
Finally my turn!

I’ve been waiting for COVID-19 vaccine and finally today I got my first shot. 

Post #LVAD surgery I have dedicated my time to get the vaccines from the most dangerous diseases which could majorly impact or worsen my heart and overall health. 9 vaccines from 2019 until 2020 been completed and it took me 12 months get them all. 

Today I feel so overwhelmed with a massive hope to LIVE! 

In my health journey I was #intubated multiple times and it’s not fun and games. To me more shocking was daily seeing my DAD, who spend 5months in #ICU on #ECMO and never woke up. He passed away from #pneumonia in 2018. 

COVID-19 patients who survived say the worse nightmare was not being able to breath and feeling short of breath. It looks like that society now is understanding what it means for #HeartFailure patients to ALWAYS feel shortness of breath. Shortness of breath is one of the main Heart Failure symptoms. ⚠️

There are expressions like “drowning in my own lungs” or “his lungs have burned” and I hope you never have a chance to experience that. 🫁

I do trust medical science with no doubt, it proved me over and over again that it is saving people’s lives. The medical science has saved my life not once or twice, but more than 3 times..  I survived 5 years mark of Heart Failure life expectancy and I continue my journey by trusting the science and collaborating with HCP’s. 

On a last note I am thanking all the doctors, nurses, all HCP’s, all medical workers and those who sit in laboratories trying to make a difference and better life through medical science. WE see you! And WE thank you! 




Dry Run


LVAD gear