Scars are beautiful

Particularly sensitive topic I shall say.

I have met people, who think scars are gross, I have met people who think scars scare others, people who are affraid to show them and be proud about it. Scars are related to experience you had. It might not be a positive one, but I am sure it brings positivity and clearance with it.

Scars are beautiful. Big, small, round, thin, any color, just the scar that You have. It’s beautiful.
And you know what is beautiful about it?

It’s what is behind the scar. The experience, the pain, the surviror and hero who wears it, the change, the change of the values, the respect and most important the unconditional love.

Don’t ever be ashamed of the scars life has left you with. A scar means the hurt is over and the wound is closed. It means you conquered the pain, learned the lesson, grew stronger and moved forward. A scar is the tattoo of a triumph to be proud of. Don’t you ever allow your scars to hold you hostage. Don’t allow them to make you live your life in fear. You can’t make the scars in your life dissapear, but you can change the way you see them. You can start seeing your scars as a sign of strength and not pain.

You are strong.



I am proud

7 scars after LVAD surgery


Tropical Vibes


October 2018