October 2018

Post #LVAD surgery, 2nd healing stage:

I remember the time I was weak and lost interest in life. I have been told: “set something to look forward in the near future”. This helps to feel alive, loved and needed. So I did. 

It’s beautiful change when you wait for the rehab, in rehab wait for the time to go home, getting home wait for the time to get settled and sorted, when settled and sorted assign new goals for the near future, when the near future comes and goals are done, create the new ones and start with small and go bigger. From meters to kilometers, from learning to get up from the bed to cooking for myself and the fam, from reading, typing and sorting to completing the tasks. This is like learning all over again, just with multitude appreciation and gratitude. 

Now is the time, I am soooo excited to have an opportunity for transplant. I see people who are already post transplant and it makes me smile inside out. 

Blessed to be here ❤️


Scars are beautiful
