What makes life worth living?

2020 haven’t been easy on everyone. For everyone in every different way.
A lot of changes occurred and still occurring, transformations, inner healings, births and deaths. I will not state topics as I find it very hard to trust the information published, leaked or stuffed to the people of the World. There is a lot of lies behind every statement and I ain’t buying it, that’s all. I wish you and me, we find strength to be conscious, responsible and healthy. This shall pass too.

So what makes life worth living? Is it career, is it family, is it money? How would you answer this question to your self, your inner self today, tomorrow or one year later?

Please, take a moment to reflect on that and write your thoughts in your fancy journal.

While I was growing up, I wouldn’t say I had an easy life. In general. I was very lucky to have an older sister and both parents, but the personality and character I build up from the child experiences whilst growing up brought to me the challenges I faced along my life. People say “anything you have in your life, you attracted it” or “your outer world and challenges represents your inside”. And by inside I mean inner You, Your soul. From the first look what we mostly do is deny it, because we don’t like what we hear. I attracted challenges? I attracted pain and suffering? I attracted illness???

Doesn’t really make sense, does it?

Every time in my life I dealt with challenge, I had a beliefs, which represented my life at some point. Believe me, it took me so long to put all dots on “i”. Knowledge and power of passion comes from within. Just when I decided I want to know, I want to change, I want to be better, I want to help first myself and then others, it all came to me. I appear on the right time at the right place. I meet people by accident. I hear conversations, I see ads, I receive a call or an email just so I wake up. Sometimes I fall asleep, but then bam! WAKE UP call again!

With all my experiences and the person I am today, as I say it all the time, I am grateful for the past, for the high highs and low lows. So I focus today and everyday on a powerful question: “What makes life worth living?”

We are all so unique, different in our cultures, our traditions, our ancestors, how we were brought up, where we were brought up, what we did with our lives when we were responsible for ourselves and so on.. The list is endless. One point which I highlight is: we are all different and we all have our own world with our own perspective, knowledge, character and etc.. It is all shaped by the environment around you and from the science perspective - astrology too, but today it’s not about that.

I am unique and I have my own world with my own rules and values.

My world is nor good nor bad. It’s definitively not better or worse than your world. It’s the first lesson we should be thought when we are born. We are different and there is no right and no wrong which automatically leads to me to judgement that society express right and left.

  • Judging someone for their looks or abilities. Everyone goes or went through something we don’t know about. Instead of formulating your opinion or expressing it to others ( gossiping ) from your world and what’s allowed or not, what’s acceptable or not, what’s right or wrong. This world is yours and does not match with the world of others.

  • Judging someone for their actions or their choices has nothing to do with you and your world.

  • Judging government for not doing this and that ( remember that every person has their own opinion, it’s not only you that matters, everyone matters and everyone matters equally! )

  • Judging situations and challenges. You see it from your world and experiences.

We try to control so much, we try to control environment and people who live in their own world, we give advice ( when nobody asks us ) left and right and for what? To make us stress and to make us push out of control. Judgement causes misunderstandings, violence, people’s opposition, anger and you have an idea of the rest..

Thats why you have no right to judge anything or anyone, the worlds simply doesn’t match.

Judging yourself you ask? NO

So what makes my life worth living?

  • Sharing with others my life and professional experience, my point of view which was shaped mostly by travelling, my journey through difficult situations and challenges and how I overcame it

  • Helping others in massive or even in a tiny bit of way

  • Giving: love, attention, compassion, time, material things, support and kick in the ass

  • Promote awareness and positivity


Start of 2021


Where it all began