Start of 2021

With Chinese New Year approaching and slowly getting into the year of a bull, I’ve taken some time off to set the tone for 2021. January is a detox month for me, so check below what I’ve done during January 2021.

- flax body cleansing
- no meat
- no fish
- no sweets
- no flour foods
- no processed foods
- daily 3l. warm water with lemon/lime and herbal teas only
- veggies and fruits only
- full awareness of my body ( eating habits, no emotional eating and etc. )

- gifted non usable clothing/things
- got rid and sorted documents
- rearranged wardrobes
- cleared and rearranged kitchen and bathroom
- saged ( of course! )

Inner self
- cleared my head and my soul
- released some bothersome beliefs
- recognising where I was stuck and what did not served or defined me anymore. ( p.s this is a continuous work = never stop working on yourself, thats’s the most valuable time to invest )
- social media detox ( what a waste of personal time that is, but great tool for promotion or business )
- daydreaming ( oh yes, hello )
- meditations&yoga
- rhythm&structure
- reading&applying

I always find it so therapeutic to spare time for myself and only myself. That’s why I always say - change is imminent. It is continuous work and time which we invest in ourselves, but the results are beyond uncomfortable and overwhelming. Results are so powerful, that instantly there is calmness in you and your body.

I want you to know, that if today, you think you do not know where to start, you feel helpless or maybe you think there is no way out - firstly, DO NOT THINK. Secondly - if you want a way out, if you looking for a change, if you want to leave past, heal, release your beliefs then seek help. Thirdly - talk to your friends, talk to people you haven’t spoken for a long time, talk to people you don’t know.

Help is always here. It won’t just come to us, we should seek to be found.

As of me, I am feeling fresh inside out and most important - aligned.
Always grateful!

Up and we go #2k21! 🚀


Heart Failure basics by AS


What makes life worth living?