March and HF diagnosis

March will always be a special month for me. This year, it is exactly 5 years since hearing the diagnose of #dilatedcardiomyopathy whilst I was living in Dubai.

Crazy to now that this picture was taken just days before rushing to the emergency. Even crazier that I still forced and managed myself to work until last days before my #heartfailure symptoms extremely worsened.

So here it is me with end stage heart failure still fighting against the illness, not accepting it, forcing and having no clue what is waiting for me in the #hearthealth journey. This picture will always be a reminder to me, even how good we look on the outside we never actually know what is going inside. Once in one of my interviews I said - “you see me smile, but you have no idea what’s under the clothes..”. Which brings me to another very important topic - judgement.
I just live by this quote which says - “ your perception of me is a reflection of reaction to you is an awarenes of me.”
Couldn’t agree more. We are always first to judge and a lot of specialists say that we need only 3 seconds to understand about the person when we meet for the first time. Now I interpret in a different way too, because of my knowledge and experience. The moment of attraction. It’s like a game. You see 3 keys and you without any logical reason are drawn to only one. Selection process whilst letting go and trusting the process and this picture, of me being sick doesn’t do the justice. I literally had a very close person back then tell me that I am pretending to be sick. Did I felt hurt? Nope. I was too sick even too pay attention. But NOW. I am grateful for every experience I went through with heart health. It was such an eye opening time, which I really needed and this positive and full of hope outlook to everything what has happened and still happening is giving me a massive push to GO, DO, LIVE!


Now I understand the importance of always listening to my body and never ignoring the pain, the symptoms, as well as doing everything in my power to be healthy and happy.

Early diagnosis of cardiovascular disease is extremely important, it leads to better treatment possibilities and survival. Don’t wait especially if you sense the body is not “ok”.
Trust you heart ❤️


LVAD gear

