

I went on a self-discovering journey 3 weeks ago. And oh WOW what a journey it was.

Last year I was lingering towards deeper spiritual meaning and what moves me, personally. I claimed it and started peeking on some potential specialists who can teach me new ways and experience.

One thing I didn’t know. Where and what I am looking for, so it made it much harder. Even knowing at that time I was loaded with crazy work tasks and uni studies. So I had to let it go. The idea was gone out in the universe and I continued to live.
One cold winter afternoon I went to see my dear friend for a cup of tea. It ended up being THAT conversation which I let go some time ago. I was invited to be a part of a female group who chose personal transformation. With amazing 6 specialists who practice from kundalini yoga, astrology, jin shin jyutsu, shiatsu, psycotherapy, emotion recognition and release, gratefulness and so on. So yeah, one massive, juicy, big gang which in one year will learn, transform, grow and release. I know, that was exactly what I was looking for.

Then at the same time about a month ago, I was introduced to the man, who lives in Peru, The Andes mountains. This man is a source of light, knowledge and undeniable experience helping people who seek to find. The one thing which triggered me to e-meet him, that he actually helped some very ill people to come back to

life. Since the beginning of my heart health journey I was open to try anything to help me. I was open and I still am. And now I can say this is the first step towards the healing for those with chronical conditions - hope and open mind!

We had 3 meetings in 3 weeks. One 3 hour meeting a week. And here comes the journey and my emotions, which is why I am here typing this right now.

First week meeting was great. We talked, exchanged. I heard a lot I have known already. I had homework, 5 things incorporate into my daily life.
-breathing exercises

-minimum 3l. water a day & cold showers

-natural food - everything that comes from the 🌍

-sacral chakra energy flow

All this comes from 4 elements of nature.




I felt very happy after the first meeting, because I already have been incorporating those 4 elements energy of nature into my life. All this has happened so naturally and in a sense unconsciously. I know now, I have just been listening to myself. Changing my diet into vegan during January detox month, have opened up my personal portal. I am so connected, I am so aware, I even manifest so easily it actually scares me a little. I sense everything in a way I never sensed. I feel vibrations, I feel energy, I feel how others feel. Crazy.

The second week was a terrible disaster. Like I literally was scared for myself. My emotions were a mess, I had physical pain in my chest, I had never ending anxiety, no sleep, constantly nauseus. I literally felt fear and I didn’t know why. Let me highlight that between first week and second week nothing changed in my daily life. Apart from those deep breathing exercises which I gave my all. Finally I survived it.
And I understood that I don’t want just to survive, I want to LIVE! With my open and healthy heart ❤️
Third week has been a blessing and I couldn’t be happier. I feel great, I feel motivated and I am soon to dig deep into my writting.

This for sure has been a journey and I am continuing those practices everyday. With grateful heart, with easyness and forgiveness.

I am ready for new me.

Love, Aiste


March and HF diagnosis


Heart Failure basics by AS