
Another stress level dose guaranteed, well that’s what I thought whilst approaching Vilnius Airport for my Paris trip.

People ask me if people abroad are more understanding and empathic towards me as a patient. Well I have experienced so far so many different types of people, even some very well established countries have shitty people around. 

 The flight attendant member at the check in desk in Vilnius Airport asks if I need a wheelchair to assist me going through the security and board a plane. As I always request the assistant, this time I said I will walk myself. It is easier in Lithuania because I can explain in Lithuanian to the security what the items I carry and what is this weird wired bag with all the machines in it. Of course during the security check I was asked to come to the side for the manual body check. Standard. But there was one lady coming who as I understood was the supervisor for airport security team. She asked me what is the bag and why I needed it. I explained and then she looked into my eyes, with her angelic deep aquamarine blue eyes, she took my hand and said “everything will be alright” with a smile in her face. It was confident smile with a strong statement. I complemented her eyes straight away and she answered to me by saying she was a cancer patient. We exchanged supporting words to each other and I walked off. But during the flight I kept thinking about her. Her eyes were so meaningful, they were so powerful and deep, but at the same time so comforting. The look represented more than words can speak. It was the message I need to hear. It was something I was willing to have as a confirmation. I get synchronicity and I get the numbers, but this is not the first time when I search for word confirmation and get it said straight to my ear.

She was an angel sent to remind me and say that everything will be alright at the end of the day.

Every day, doesn’t matter what happens, it’s all gonna be alright.

I will remember her eyes forever.

Thank you, lady, with a deep aquamarine eyes.




Striking Stroke