The Weekend

I knew something is drawing me to go to the beach for a long time. Little did I know my friend was having an event by the beach. I knew straight away I gotta go. Just the inner voice telling me this. I listened and went of for the weekend trip to Palanga. 

Be quiet to hear you. 

I have learned so much during this event. We been talking about worry, how it affects us and how it impacts us, our life and people around us. Worry, sadness, anger, resentment are all negative and low energies, in which we vibrate when we feel those emotions. Carrying on those emotions we see how the world around us is all bad. We get lessons, we get challenges and we get distracted. Distracted from our true purpose and life path. The question is how to deal with it, right? Well I heard so many people saying you gotta block them, cancel them to take your mind from reliving and overthinking those negative emotions. Others say you can’t block them, you need yourself to feel bad to understand why this is happening. All I can say both of those a right in a healthy way. We gotta understand the emotion, where is it coming from and why, and then let it go.

That’s all. 

Forget about overthinking and overriding your mind with different scenarios and what would be if it would. That is not healthy, realising that and practising this method, you will evolve. You will help yourself to control your mind with a help of your heart. 

God makes no mistakes.

Not only this getaway have inspired me, it as well teached me to be more true, more pure, more see through. Just to be me. Seeing sun covering me in light from head to toe it again confirmed me and gave me a sign, that I am in a right place and right time.

Yesterday I felt something rolling out of my heart. Enormous.

I still don’t understand what happened. But all what happened is for a good reason.


Striking Stroke


One Step